I would like to thank the following people for their kind and generous help over the years.
Mary, Cathy and Helen, my first cousins, for sharing their father, my late uncle Harley Warner, with me. Many of the photos on this site came from Harley’s albums.
Karen, my first cousin, who has kindly and generously shared the stories, documents, and photographs of her amazing and beautiful mother, my late aunt Betty Warner. Betty’s albums were the source for a vast number of the photos on this site.
Louise and Anne, my second cousins once removed in the Ella Warner line, who were also extremely generous in sharing their stories and photos, and in letting us move from distant cousins to treasured family.
Jack, my first cousin once removed and the son of my great aunt Ruby Warner, for his stories and for the amazing photos he allowed me to keep for a while and scan.
Graham, who is no relation but might as well be, for his enthusiasm about, and help in rounding out, the sad, sad story of my great uncle Thomas Benson Warner. Also thanks for being like the son my uncle Harley never had.
Jeanne, my third cousin once removed in the William James Warner line, and her family, for their encouragement and support and especially for sharing their beautiful family on Facebook.
Catherine, my third cousin in the Crudder sub-branch of the William James Warner line, for her big heart and her infectious enthusiasm.
The family of the late Joan Pelly, who was my second cousin once removed in the Hannah Maria Warner (1862 – 1942) line, for allowing me into their family for the brief time I had the privilege to know Joan.
Rob, my third cousin in that same Hannah Maria Warner line, and a kindred spirit and fellow genealogist whose work has been enormously helpful.
Bill, my third cousin in the Ralph Ira Warner sub-branch of the William James Warner line, and his lovely family, Eva, Mark, Therese, Jeff, and Colleen, for all they have taught me about that part of the family, but especially for the amazing welcome they showed Ruth and me that time we made an almost surprise visit to Michigan.
Steve, my brother, for letting me take possession of all Dad and Mom’s photo albums.
Ruth, my wife, for her patience, understanding and forbearance for all the hours, days, months and years she let me work on this passion of mine.
And many, many others. I’ll keep adding to the list.