Fifth Generation: Sadie Warner < James Warner < William Warner< William Warner < William Warner
My great grandaunt (great great aunt)
Sadie was the seventh child and fourth daughter of James Warner and Margaret Ann Quinn. She was born in Toronto sometime in April, 1868 (according to different records, it was either the 20th, the 21st or the 26th of the month).

Although she was baptized “Sarah” and that seems to be what she was called as a child, it appears that she used just “Sadie,” or sometimes “Sade,” her entire adult life.
Sarah had been the name of her paternal grandmother, Sarah Leitch.
Of the ten brothers and sisters, only seven lived to adulthood and only four (William, Hannah, Ella and Harry) went on to have children.
Sadie, like her older sister Daisy, never married. Born just two years apart, the sisters were extremely close. They both lived with their mother and father while they were living. After both parents had passed, the two sisters bought a house together, at 75 Lawton Boulevard in Toronto, where they lived for the rest of their lives.
Sadie died at Toronto General Hospital on September 12, 1935 at the age of sixty-seven. She was buried in Saint John’s Anglican Church Cemetery.