Seventh Generation: Ainsley Quinn Courage Norman Jr. < Ainsley Quinn Courage Norman Sr. < Ella Warner < James Warner < William Warner< William Warner < William Warner
My 1st cousin twice removed
Ainsley Quinn Courage Norman Jr. was the son of Ainsley Quinn Courage Norman Sr. and his wife Marion Elizabeth Dorrance. He was born in Montreal on September 11, 1943.
He married [?] (living). They had three children:
- CN (living)
- MN (living)
- GN (living)
He married DW (living).
Ainsley died in Midland, Ontario on February 8, 2018, at the age of 74.
According to his obituary, “Ainsley was well known for his love of family, music, gardening and Bark Lake.”
One of his daughters told me that he “loved his vinyl records” and “was a very dedicated Christian too.”