Seventh Generation: Warner Aird Norman < Ainsley Quinn Courage Norman Sr. < Ella Warner < James Warner < William Warner< William Warner < William Warner
My 1st cousin twice removed
Warner Aird Norman was the son of Ainsley Quinn Courage Norman Sr. and his wife Marion Elizabeth Dorrance. He was born on March 17, 1942.1
He married Yvonne (maiden name unknown).
He married Charmaine (maiden name unknown).
Warner died of cancer in 2008, at the age of 66.1
Warner’s name has been found in the following documents:
- Obituary of his mother in the Montreal Gazette, August 19, 1980, p. 43;
- Canada Voters Lists for 1963, 1965, and 1972;
- Phone directory listings for 1995–2000.
The 1963 Voters List (when he was about 21) shows him living with his parents at 43 Winnipeg Road in Etobicoke (Toronto). He is listed as an office clerk.
The 1965 Voters List (when he was about 23) shows him living at11 Church Street in Etobicoke. Also shown at that address is Mrs. Yvonne Norman. Warner is listed as a salesman and no occupation is given for Yvonne.
The 1972 Voters List (when he was about 30) shows him living at 23 Elmvale Crescent in Etobicoke. Also shown at that address is Mrs. Charmaine Norman. Warner is listed as a salesman and Charmaine is listed as a waitress.
The phone directory listings for 1995 through 2000 (when he was in his mid-50s) how him living at 343 Victoria Street East in Alliston, Ontario.
1 Warner is my third cousin but I have very little information about him, and no documentary confirmation of his dates of birth or death. His middle name, the dates above, and the cause of death were provided by PLN, a cousin who is more closely related to him.