Seventh Generation: Dalphine Gagnon < Anna Ethel Warner < William James Warner < James Warner < William Warner< William Warner < William Warner
My 2nd cousin once removed
Dalphine Gagnon was the daughter of Anna Ethel Warner and Bernard Marsh Gagnon. In her high school yearbook, her name appears as “Delphine.”1 It is spelled “Dalphine” on all other records that I’ve found, and on her gravestone.
She was born in Detroit on February 13, 1912. She married Wesley William Taylor in Detroit on June 24, 1944.
We don’t know if Dalphine and Walter had children.
Dalphine died in Houston on September 18, 1976, at the age of 64, and was buried with William at Roseland Park Cemetery in Berkley, Michigan. You can visit their grave (virtually) here.
The photo at the top of this page from the 1931 yearbook of Southeastern High School in Detroit.1 It has been digitally restored. The unrestored photo is below.
1 U.S. School Yearbooks. Ancestry.com, 2010, Provo, Utah.